Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Party, Parting and Preparation

I am repeating a blog I published on another website. This will consolidate all of them in one place. Plus there have been many new additions to the list of folks who want to follow along. Apologies to many of you for the repetition.

Writer, divinity school dean, and all around progressive thinker Len Sweet says that the things we surround ourselves with, our "stuff", should each have a story behind them. So what about those 30-40 boxes of books we've packed many of which I have not read, nor will I? Why are those Gasparilla beads hanging in the garage? All those ceramic rabbits around the house didn't exactly multiple on their own. The guy from the moving and storage company arrives with clipboard. He wears a subtle grin as if he is amused by another family addicted to its stuff. And that's just the visible stuff. Imagine packing up after 24 years in the same place. Moving reveals us much about ourselves throwing our tangible treasure into the klieg lights. I. It's time to re-examine.

We will pack it all ourselves. Still, the cabinets and drawers groan with stuff. We pick away at it t a rate that guarantees completion before the end of the calendar year. Hum!?! (See "Marine" below)

Neither of us is employed so it seems we have a lot of time. But, well-wishers will come from as far as Salt Lake City, Indianapolis and Australia to see us before we go. (We hope they know how to pack stuff.) Then there are the parties and lunches being held for us. All of this is greatly appreciated and adds to the excitement. In the background there's the deadline: the tenants arrive July 1. He's a big Marine and I think it best to be completely out by then.

Moving stuff is one thing. The business end to moving away - far away, is quite another. The address needs to be changed - to where? Do we let the IRS and the local tax collector in on this? Final utility bills go where? Bank statements, investment accounts, insurance premiums, storage rents, AGHH!! It's endless. Did I mention the continuing communication I will have with my law firm for many months to come, resulting from a good bit of institutional knowledge? Plus there are professional certifications to maintain. Maybe someone will plan a seminar in So. Africa. Also I am trying to convert as many documents as I can into electronic media. Pray with us for health and safety of the computer.

Of course, none of this means much unless we can get into the country. South Africa issues 90 day visas for visitors from the US. More than that requires a temporary resident visa. The minimum requirements include:

birth certificates
marriage certificate
medical certificate (i.e., Dr. certifies we are not crazy [questionable?])
x-ray report
background check via Florida Department of Law Enforcement
proof of financial ability to be self-sustaining
health insurance (theirs)
to get health insurance, a bank account (theirs) [been working on this one for three weeks]
letter stating that we will be unpaid volunteers at the seminary

In addition, we have to consider what to take with us for this 2-3 year stay. There are not a lot of options when it has to fit on a plane. I priced a 2x2x2 box with 40 lbs with FedEx . . . . $1,500. The first decision was to take our three best kitchen knives. Very few other final choices have been made. We are being provided with a nice apartment (w/o heating or ac) with kitchen facilities. It's been nearly 34 years since we lived in an apartment.

All this has been my second job for months now. It is starting to come together. It is at once frightening, thrilling and uncertain. If we get there, God willing, I think we can handle about anything. We also know that we are not alone.

In acts of shear grace, several of you and others have asked how you could help. There are many ways to do that, all of which are greatly appreciated in advance:

* Pray for us, and the computer, Mac.
* Sign up for this blog (if that is possible)
* Stay in touch at and/or
* COME VISIT. We want to share our experiences and introduce you to another beautiful, complex country
* Make a tax deductible contribution: to Hyde Park United Methodist Church, designated for SMMS (Seth Mokitimi Methodist Seminary - where we will be working). 500 W. Platt St., Tampa, FL 33606

* Buy something. We are trying to sell the following:

4 matching oak chairs
art deco tea cart

We invite you to join us on this long journey. Our promise is to let you know where and how we are. You are going to enjoy the beauty of the people and places we encounter. As post our reflections we also invite you to include your own on this blog. Hopefully, it won't be as tedious as this chapter.